
Alessandra Del Felice, MD, PhD

Position: Associate Professor (MED/34)

Phone: (+39) 049 821 1637

E-mail: alessandra DOT delfelice AT unipd DOT it

Google Scholar
Research Gate

neurorehabilitation, neurophysiology, robotic rehabilitation, EEG, EMG, neurostimulation, TMS, tDCS

My career:
is an academic clinician in the area of Neurorehabilitation. Her basic training has been as a neurologist, with a special interest in neurophysiology and neurorehabilitation, and holds a Ph.D. in Neuroscience. Her current research area allows her to draw on her experience and skills in neurophysiology to improve methodology and outcome measures in this important area of rehabilitation. She has a track record in EEG-TMS and EEG-fMRI co-registration, neuromonitoring and neurostimulation, and EEG signal analysis. Her current research portfolio includes gait analysis in rare syndromes; validation of inertial sensors for gait in clinical practice; EEG-EMG co-registration during overground gait in healthy subjects and during exsoskleteon gait in post-stroke subjects; early biomarkers of recovery after stroke; neurostimulation to improve rehabilitation outcomes in Parkinson Disease and neuropathic pain based on tailored paradigms; neurostimulation as a memory rehabilitative tool in pediatric populations; recovery and long term prognostic markers after coma. She has an extensive collaborative research network, with current national and international collaborations (University of Verona, Italy; University of Bologna, Italy; University of Antwerp, Belgium; King’s College, London; University of Dublin, IRL; University of Ulster, UK; University College London, UK). Techniques that she masters include gait analysis, electromyography (EMG), electroencephalography (EEG), muscular and nerve ultrasound (US), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), EEG-TMS and EEG-fMRI co-registrations, sleep scoring, neuromonitoring in the operation room, and EEG signal analysis using commercial softwares. She has almost 50 peer reviewed articles or book chapters to her name. She has been given several awards for her work and these include the 2013 Italian Clinical Neurophysiology Society Young Investigator Award, the 2008 Italian Neuroepidemiology Association “Giulia Benassi” Prize and the 2004 “G.Pampiglione “ Prize by the Italian Neurological Society. She has attracted funding at UNIPD, with an on-going H2020 project and several national grants. She is the responsible person of the Outpatient Clinic for Rehabilitation of Motor Disorders due to CNS lesions and of the Movement Analysis Laboratory of her Institution.

Margherita Bertuccelli, PhD

Position: Post-doc

E-mail: margherita DOT bertuccelli AT phd DOT unipd DOT it

Google scholar
Research Gate

neurorehabilitation, neurophysiology, robotic rehabilitation, EEG, EMG, neurostimulation, TMS, tDCS

My career:
Received a BSc degree in Scienze Psicologiche Cognitive e Psicobiologiche (University of Padova, 2017) and a MSc degree in Cognitive Neuroscience and Clinical Neuropsychology (University of Padova, 2019), defending an experimental thesis on sleep and cognitive alterations in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Spinal Muscular Atrophy. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the Padova Neuroscience Center (PNC, Padova University) under the supervision of Professor Alessandra Del Felice, with a research project titled: “Rehabilitation paradigms in congenital and acquired neurological disorders: quantitative and cognitive assessments, and prospective rehabilitative interventions”. In parallel, she is holding a research grant (PNRR PE8 - Spoke 9) for a research project on the neural correlates and psychometric features of human-robot interactions and embodiment of assistive and rehabilitative wearable robots at the Department of Neuroscience (DNS, Padova University). Her research interest concerns kinematic analysis of movement, body schema alterations and embodiment applied to neurorehabilitation.

Main interests:
My project aims to develop a new evaluation protocol to study human-robot interactions and embodiment of rehabilitative and assistive wearable robot devices. The protocol comprises the assessment of neurophysiological (EEG, EMG), neuropsychological and kinematic (IMUs) variables to identify the factors playing a major role in embodiment, and their interactions. These data will advance the development of a new breed of exoskeletons embodied by end-users and employable in everyday life.

Alfonc Baba



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Research Gate

Therapeutic Exercise, Functional Electical Stimulation, Robotics, Virtual Reality, Graded Motor Imagery

My career:
Alfonc Baba is a physiotherapist that obtained the Bachelor Degree at the Chieti University “G. D’Annunzio” in 2008. Afterwards (in 2011) he got a Professional Master (first level Master) in Musculoskeletal Disorders Rehabilitation (Manual Therapy) at Genua University. He obtained the Master Degree in Rehabilitative Science of Health Professions at Padua University in 2013. In between 2008-2019 he worked at the Department of Neurorehabilitation of the IRCCS San Camillo Hospital in Venice, sharing his working time between clinical activity and research activity mainly carried out in two laboratories: 1) Laboratory of Kinematics and Robotics; 2) Laboratory of Clinical Neurophysiology. During this time he participated at the conception and had collaborate for the implemantation of clinical trials and he is also co-author of a few scientific papers. Moreover he has attended many rehabilitation conferences and congresses as an invited speaker or chairman. In between 2017-2019 he was visiting professor at Shkodra’s Universtity "Luigj Gurakuqi" (Albania) at Physiotherapy Bacheror Course, where he taught Manual Therapy Techniques and Basics of Reserch Methodology and EBM. Since 2020 he work at the Rehabilitation Unit of the Padua University Hospital taking a full-time clinical activity, interested to motor rehabilitation in inpatients with neurological disorders (Neurological Clinic; Stroke Unit; Neurosurgeon Division and Intensive Care Unit). Since 2010, in both workplaces, IRCCS San Camillo Hospital in Venice and at the University Hospital of Padua, he was and is clinical tutor for the neurological area of the bachelor's students in Physiotherapy of of Ferrara and Padua Universities. In 2023 he earned a research fellow position at the Padua’s University Neuroscience Department.

Main interests:

Francesco Bettella, MSc

Position: PhD student

E-mail: francesco DOT bettella DOT 2 AT phd DOT unipd DOT it


Research Gate


exoskeleton, assistive technologies, gait impairments, rehabilitation, neuroengineering, neuroscience

My career:
PhD Student in Neuroscience, Ingegnere Meccanico laureato all'Università di Padova, ha svolto diversi lavori di ricerca all'interno del laboratorio di Ingegneria per lo sport e la riabilitazione su diverse tecnologie assistive come carrozzine per uso quotidiano e sportivo.

Main interests:
Il mio progetto di ricerca riguarda lo sviluppo di un esoscheletro intelligente attivo per arti inferiori per uso in ambienti esterni, specialmente in contesti agricoli. L'esoscheletro dovrà sostenere e muovere una persona adulta e sarà dotato di tecnologie di computer Vision come telecamere e sensori laser per riconoscere il terreno circostante e adattare il passo seguendo il percorso libero da ostacoli e più sicuro per l'utente. Inoltre prevede lo sviluppo di una nuova interfaccia utente in grado di inviare i comandi all'Esoscheletro utilizzando determinati segnali neurofisiologici dell'utente.

Andrea Buccellato, MSc


Position: PhD student


E-mail:andrea DOT buccellato AT studenti DOT unipd DOT it



consciousness, disorders of consciousness, temporal input processing, EEG, neuroscience, dynamical systems theory

My career:
M.Sc. in Neuroscience, graduated at the University of Trieste. 1-year internship @ Visual Neuroscience Lab with the supervision of Prof. Zoccolan. PhD student in Neuroscience. I am mainly interested in consciousness: I favor a comprehensive approach on the question, spanning from Dynamical Systems Theory (DST) to Signal Processing.

Main interests:
y project is focused on the search and testing of objective indices of consciousness, through careful analysis of theory-based EEG features, with the goal of improving the clinical diagnosis/prognosis in patients with impaired consciousness, as in Disorders of Consciousness (DOC).

Yunfeng Sun

Position: PhD student (co-supervision)






My career:


Main interests:

Ines Veloso

Position: VISITING - Ms student




John Jairo Villarejo Mayo

Position: VISITING - PhD student




Luca Silli

Position: TESISTA - Bioingegneria




William Tasinazzo

Position: TESISTA - Bioingegneria


