Personale docente
- Vertical ridge augmentation using a flexible heterologous cortical bon sheet: three years follow-up”.
Ludovichetti M, Di Stefano DA, Pagnutti S, Vaccari E, Ludovichetti FS, Celletti R
Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2011 Jul-Aug;31(4):401-7.
- “Graphene based scaffolds effects on stem cells commitment”.
Bressan E, Ferroni L, Gardin C, Sbricoli L, Gobbato L, Ludovichetti FS, Tocco I, Carraro A, Piattelli A, Zavan B.
J Transl Med. 2014 Oct 25;12:296. doi: 10.1186/s12967-014-0296-9. Review.
- A 6 years follow-up comparison of two dental implants: bioactive vs DAE surface, a clinical case report”.
Francesco Saverio Ludovichetti, Maurizio Ludovichetti
Regenerative Medicine. Volume 1(1): 3-4.
- “Efficacy and safety of piezosurgery device in the surgical treatment of oral cancer”.
Marco Rossi, Francesco Saverio Ludovichetti and Christian Bacci
Avicenna J Dent Res. inpress(inpress):e31975.
- “Graphene-Based Nanomaterials for Tissue Engineering in the Dental Field”
Guazzo R, Gardin C, Bellin G, Sbricoli L, Ferroni L, Ludovichetti FS, Piattelli A, Antoniac I, Bressan E, Zavan B.
Nanomaterials (Basel). 2018 May 20;8(5).
- “Implant-supported mandibular complete fixed prosthesis with conometric retention after 3 years of functional loading”
Eriberto Bressan, Michele Stocchero, Maddalena Buso, Edoardo Stellini, Francesco Saverio Ludovichetti, Diego Lops.
Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation. Volume 4 Issue 2/2018
- “Treatment of grade III furcation lesion by tunneling in a smoker patient: Clinical Case Report”
Francesco Saverio Ludovichetti, Guilherme José Pimentel Lopes de Oliveira, Joni Augusto Cirelli.
Sci Invest Dent 2017; 22(1):2-6.
- “Wear resistance and abrasiveness of CAD-CAM monolithic materials”
Francesco Saverio Ludovichetti, Flávia Zardo Trindade, Arie Werner, Cornelis Johannes Kleverlaan, and Renata Garcia Fonseca
J Prosthet Dent. 2018 Aug;120(2):318.e1-318.e8.
- “Healing of human critical-size alveolar bone defects secondary to cyst enucleation: a randomizaed pilot study with 12 months follow-up”
Ludovichetti FS, De Biagi M, Bacci C, Bressan E, SIvolella S.
Minerva Stomatologica. 2018 Aug;67 (4): 148-155
- “Efficacy of a universal adhesive on
the bond strength of a luting cement to leucite-reinforced glass-ceramic” Ludovichetti FS, Branco Martins S, Zardo Trindade F, de Oliveira Abi Rached F, Moncada G, Adabo GL, Garcia Fonseca
J Oral Science Rehabilitation. 2018 Sep;4(3):08–12.
- “Does the cleaning method after air abrasion with different particles affect the zirconia bond strength?” Ludovichetti FS, Branco Martins S, Zardo Trindade F, Oliveira Abi Rached F, Garcia Fonseca R.
J Oral Science Rehabilitation. 2019 Mar;5(1):26–33.
- “Effect of grinding and polishing on the roughness and fracture resistance of cemented CAD-CAM monolithic materials submitted to mechanical aging.” Ludovichetti FS, Trindade FZ, Adabo GL, Pezzato L, Fonseca RG.
J Prosthet Dent. 2019 May;121(5):866.e1-866.e8.
- Periodontitis in the Developmental Age- Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, Differential Diagnosis and Treatment. A Narrative Review
Mazzoleni S, Ludovichetti FS, Bacci C, Zuccon A, Gracco A, Stellini E.
Inter Ped Dent Open Acc J 3(
Area di ricerca
Odontoiatria Pediatrica